Tag: pets

  • Children, Animals and Songs

    Both children and animals are very active and the young the child is the more active he/she is. Practically the same as with animals.

  • Searching for the Perfect Pet

    Think about what kind of pet will suit your character and lifestyle. When you are ready get that pet and it will serve you for life.

  • Woman wearing a white shirt with the legend: "Dog lovers for Obama"

    Change will come

    We can’t wait for change to come! We’ve been waiting for it so long out here. We can no longer tolerate the culture of negativity and hatred.

  • Losers and liars yellow sign

    Dog Owners for Change

    We find ourselves at the crossroads and we are faced with grave decisions to make. We dog owners should be a responsible unity.

  • Small dog wearing an Obama T-shirt

    Make Food Not War

    Where is the logic in going to far away lands to bomb them instead of providing cheap canned dog food for every dog owner in the country?